Career & Technical Education
Flagler Schools recognizes the need to offer students opportunities to discover paths leading from our classrooms to career success. In order to do this, we have worked with local business leaders to identify key, targeted industries in our community and region.
classroom to careers
Our schools have established "Classroom to Careers" Programs of Study that tie into these targeted industries. With programs spanning grades K–12, our students are provided an enriched education infused with the essentials for college and career readiness.
Our Classroom to Careers initiative sees value in offering career and technical certifications through Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. CTE programs prepare students for occupations important to Florida's economic development. With the help of partners in education, business and industry, and trade associations, each program provides the academic and technical skills to prepare students for success in today's economy.
Each of our CTE programs is aligned with a career cluster and is detailed in curriculum frameworks. These frameworks include program standards that are both academically integrated and responsive to business and industry. Our Programs of Study and CTE programs are successful thanks to the partnerships between education, business and industry, and trade associations.
Secondary school students may be eligible to receive college credit for completing CTE courses. Please review the Career Pathways Articulation Agreement between Flagler Schools and Daytona State College for details and requirements.
CTE Programs
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology, Communication
- Business Management, Administration
- Engineering and Technology Education
- Future Educators
- Health Science
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, and Security
- Marketing, Sales, and Service
- Additional Programs
- Dual Enrollment with CTE Certification
- Pre-Apprenticeship Programs
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Architecture and Construction
Arts, A/V Technology, Communication
Business Management, Administration
Engineering and Technology Education
Future Educators
Health Science
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, and Security
Marketing, Sales, and Service
Additional Programs
Dual Enrollment with CTE Certification
Pre-Apprenticeship Programs
Career and Technical Education programs reduce dropout and increase on-time graduation, particularly CTE courses taken in 11th and 12th grades. Gottfried and Plasman