Voluntary Prekindergarten
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) is a free educational program offered by the State of Florida. The structured learning provided in the program is designed to prepare children for kindergarten. VPK gives children the opportunity to develop skills that will be needed for success in school and life
In order to be eligible for admission to VPK, children must be four years of age on or before September 1st of that school year. Families may choose either the school year program or the summer program, which is offered before the start of the students’ kindergarten year.
School Year program
The State of Florida provides 540 hours of instruction which is free to the parent. VPK is offered at all Flagler County Elementary Schools, with students attending their zoned school. VPK days will follow the Flagler Schools calendar and meet Monday–Friday for the first three hours of the school day. Additional instructional hours (wrap around care before and after VPK) are available for a fee of $70.00 per week, starting at 7:00 am and ending at 5:30 pm.
SUmmer Program
The State of Florida provides 300 hours of instruction during the VPK summer program. The Flagler Schools summer VPK program is held at different elementary schools each year. Please contact us for the current location.
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and does not guarantee placement in the program. Please contact the Registrar at your home-zoned school if you have any questions about registration.
Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
Families must obtain a COE from the Early Learning Coalition of Flagler and Volusia (ELCFV). Visit the ELCFV website to apply for a certificate or contact them at 386-323-2400. Please review our instructions for COE applications.
Register Online
Visit the New Student Enrollment page on the Flagler Schools website to begin the online VPK registration. Required documents should be scanned and uploaded with the application.
Register In Person
Families who are unable to register online should contact the registrar at their home-zoned school. Registrars will require the COE, and a complete and correct enrollment packet.
Policies and Procedures
- Free breakfast is available to all students and free/reduced lunch is available for eligible students that attend wrap around.
- Students will attend their home-zoned school as space is available. Additional options are available only to VPK students whose siblings currently attend the school. School choice applications are submitted annually, and an application must be submitted before the student starts kindergarten.
- Transportation for VPK is the family's responsibility. Check with your student's VPK teacher for entrance and exit procedures. Students coming to school at the regular start time should be dropped off at each school’s car rider line. A VPK teacher will meet the student and walk them to class. Mid-day dismissal is for VPK only students (three hours). School day dismissal is available for those students staying for wrap around until the school day is over. These students will follow each school’s car rider procedure. Extended day dismissal is available for students staying beyond the regular school day.
- VPK students will follow the current elementary dress code for Flagler Schools.
VPK Documents & Resources
- Certificate of Eligibility Registration Instructions
- Early Childhood Education: VPK/PreK Parent Handbook
- Early Learning Coalition of Flagler and Volusia: Information, Resources, and Events
- Family Engagement Information
- Kindergarten Readiness Information
- VPK Fact Sheet
- VPK Supply List
- VPK to Kindergarten Transition Information
Certificate of Eligibility Registration Instructions
Early Childhood Education: VPK/PreK Parent Handbook
Early Learning Coalition of Flagler and Volusia: Information, Resources, and Events
Family Engagement Information
Kindergarten Readiness Information
VPK Fact Sheet
VPK Supply List
VPK to Kindergarten Transition Information
Contact Us