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Serving 350 students on average, ranging in age from eight years old to 20, the membership of the FYO is as diverse as they come, and through music we celebrate this diversity. In Flagler County, we’ve taken what has been perceived as an opportunity only for the privileged and made it accessible to all the children of Flagler, regardless of their race, social or economic circumstances.

Think back to your own youth: was music a key part of that experience? It may have been a particularly formative and memorable part of your life. If you didn’t have music education in your childhood, you may now realize as an adult what you missed out on. We believe no child who wishes to play and learn more about orchestral string instruments and music should go without.


Financial support of the FYO makes it possible for us to:

  • Offset instructional costs of three teachers.
  • Buy new instruments for students who apply for scholarships.
  • Repair and maintain orchestra-owned instruments.
  • Provide playing accessories to students in need, like shoulder rests, strings and method books.
  • Buy music for our library.
  • Fund chamber coaches for our yearly chamber music camp.
  • Graduating senior scholarships.
  • Copy and program printing costs.
  • Our future goals also include improving the quality of our scholarship instruments, adding additional teaching staff, and preparing for potential funding shortfalls.

Any amount helps. Together, with a little help from many, we can continue to build this unique program while sending a clear message to the children of Flagler County that everyone deserves opportunity. They, too, can dream big. We’re dreaming big for them, but we need your help. Help us continue to make this program a jewel of Flagler County



The Flagler Youth Orchestra continues to successfully provide music education to the children of Flagler County. A special project of the Flagler County School District, on average we serve more than 300 students each year. Right off the bat, we are responsible for raising nearly $18,000.00 to offset instructional costs. But there are other significant needs beyond this amount including funds for instrument scholarships and maintenance of those instruments, our music library, and supplemental learning and performance opportunities.

We need our community’s support so that we can continue our educational work and provide opportunities to students whose families are unable to afford the expense of an instrument. 

Donor challenge! We are looking for 100 parents, supporters or fans to sign up for recurring monthly donations. This can be $5, $50, or anywhere-in-between per month for the season. Please be one of them! Click “contribute each month” and edit the monthly amount. We greatly appreciate your support!

2022–23 Sponsors

  • JT’s Seafood Shack
  • American Association of University Women
  • Anon
  • Vicki Groth
  • Roy Longo
  • B. Martinez Family
  • Mill Family
  • Morden Family 
  • Sandie Morency
  • Rumph Family
  • Kelly Skully
  • Sarah Souza
  • Tristam Family


It is impossible for us to run a program of this size without the help of dedicated volunteers. Please help us in our quest to provide a smooth-running and safe program for all of our students to enjoy. Optimal learning in the classroom takes place when our teachers are able to focus on instruction, and the experience of attending class is a positive one.

Community Members

If you would like to give your time to the Flagler Youth Orchestra, please visit the Volunteering page on the Flagler Schools website to learn how to obtain District Volunteer Clearance. 


Any FYO high school students who wish to volunteer must coordinate their assignment with the new Director and record the volunteer time in the FYO office each week. Students who wish to help with tuning instruments must get approval from the new Director.