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Human Resources

The Human Resources Department serves as a strategic partner in supporting Flagler Schools as an “Employer of Choice” by attracting, sustaining, and inspiring great people with great passion, working for a great purpose.

Our Mission

The Human Resources Department is committed to being a continuous source of assistance, providing quality, “individually focused” service and support to all employees. We believe that by creating a spirit of family and empowering excellence within our school district, we establish a strong sense of commitment that will be reflected in the growth and success of our employees and ultimately the students of Flagler Schools.

Contact Information


Flagler Schools is committed to meeting the educational needs of every student by hiring highly qualified teachers. We work with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) to ensure compliance with state statutes and educational certification rules. The two types of educator certificates offered are the Professional Certificate and the Temporary Certificate. First-time teaching certification applicants should complete an application on FLDOE's Educator Certification page. For more information about certifications, including Athletic Coaching Certification, certification exams, and certification renewals, please visit Flagler Schools' Certification page at or email:



The success of our District depends on the strength of our employees. That's why Flagler Schools offers a comprehensive benefits package, including options that fit different individual and family needs. The benefits offered to our employees include medical, dental, and vision insurance. For more information about our benefits, billing, open enrollment and benefit details, please visit our Employee Benefits page.

Phone: 386-586-2391



Paychecks, W-4s, Employment Confirmations

Jobs at Flagler Schools

We are always looking for qualified candidates to become part of our NE Florida school district. We are one of the largest employers in our coastal Flagler County community, and we take pride in making a difference and supporting our students' success. We are hiring teachers, operations, and support professionals. Check out our career opportunities and become part of Flagler Schools' team.

View Job Opportunities Here

Human Resources Department

Robert Ouellette

Chief Human Resources Officer

386-586-2391 x1316

Joshua Walker

Supervisor of Human Resources

386-586-2391 x1319

Kim Anderson

Certifications, Teacher Experience Verification, Loan Forgiveness

386-586-2391 x1167

Arlynne Caruso

Benefits Specialist

386-586-2391 x1164

Tony Coates

Job Postings, Applications, Record Requests, Evaluations

386-586-2391 x1162

Dina Goldberg

Benefits Specialist

386-586-2391 x1322

Danelle Green

Onboarding; FPCHS, BTMS, BES, WES, iFlagler, FTC

386-586-2391 x1171

Donna Kanouse


386-586-2391 x1275

Nandi Khadoo

Onboarding: Transportation, Plant Services, Custodial, GSB Depts., Federal Programs, ECE, BTSRC

386-586-2391 x1327

John King

Substitute Employment (Teachers, Subs, Nurses)

386-586-2391 x1321

Jake Kulwicki

Benefits Specialist - LOA, FMLA

386-586-2391 x1172

Heather Morin

Department Secretary, Name and Address Changes

386-586-2391 x1163

Erika Obama

Benefits Specialist

386-586-2391 x1173

Toussiant Roberson

Organizational Talent

386-586-2391 x1165

Abby Stoll

Personnel Specialist I

386-586-2391 x1299

Flagler Schools is an Equal Opportunity Institution.