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Teaching & Learning

The Department of Teaching and Learning is charged with ensuring that our students are safe and have the instructional, technological, and leadership resources needed to meet their full potential. We support all aspects of education, involving curriculum, instruction, and assessment, required by the Florida Department of Education and local policies. Our purview extends to student learning supports that help ensure all students, including English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities, have access to the highest quality education.

Jeffrey Reaves

Director of Teaching and Learning

386-586-2368 x1110

Celeste Ackerman

Teaching and Learning Specialist: ELA 6–12

386-586-2368 x1315

Heidi Alves

Teaching and Learning Specialist: Science/PE/Health K-12

386-586-2368 x1112

Adam Blair

Teaching and Learning Specialist: CTE K-12; Computer Sci. K-12

386-586-2368 x1111

Jesika Butler

Teaching and Learning Specialist: Social Studies, K-12


Amy Ferrer

Coordinator of Professional Development

386-586-2368 x1229

Kristin Frank

Teaching and Learning Specialist: ELA K-5

386-586-2368 x1115

Georgianna Gambaro

Teaching and Learning Assistant

386-586-2368 x1264

Evelyn Gonzalez

Teaching and Learning Secretary

386-586-2368 x1117

Anna Lisowski

Teaching and Learning Specialist: MTSS

386-586-2368 x1281

Sarah Lombardo

Teaching and Learning Specialist: Math 6-12

386-586-2368 x1114

Barbara Ostrander

Teaching and Learning Assistant

386-586-2368 x1269

Scott Reynolds

Coordinator of Assessment & Accountability

386-586-2368 x1277

Natalie Sonzogni-Muldoon

Teaching and Learning Specialist: Math K-5

386-586-2368 x1113