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Assessments & Accountability

Teaching and Learning coordinates many aspects of student assessment. This includes administration and reporting of state-wide, national, international, and organizational assessments. Florida Statute 1008.22(6) specifies that participation in the testing program is mandatory for all students attending public schools.

Accountability Initiatives

Facets of the state accountability initiative fall within the scope of Teaching and Learning as well.

School grading, data forensics reporting, and the assessment data portions of Flagler's evaluation system are some of the accountability elements that fall within this scope.

Click the button below to learn more about School Improvement and Accountability at Flagler Schools. 

School Improvement & Accountability


Florida Continuous Improvement Management System (CIMS)

School-wide improvement (SIP), along with the state problem-solving process school support, are coordinated by the Teaching and Learning staff.

Flagler Schools has provided SIPs for each school in its district for the 24-25 school year. Find detailed SIPs for schools in our district. 

2024-2025 Schoolwide Improvement Plans

Please click on the button below to visit the Florida Continuous Improvement Management System (CIMS) for more information. 

Florida CIMS