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Graduation Requirements

This Florida Department of Education page provides graduation requirements, academic advisement flyers about what students and parents need to know, standard high school diploma designations, state assessment for high school graduation, transfer student information, and planning for graduation.

24-Credit Standard Diploma Requirements

Credits     Coursees
4 English (Must include English I, II, III, IV)
4 Math (Must include Algebra I or Algebra IA/IB and Geometry)
3 Science (Must include Biology)

Social Studies (Must include World History, US HIstory, Government [0.5], and Economics [0.5]) 


Physical Education (Must include Personal Fitness [0.5]    

1 Fine Art, Practical Art, or Career / Technical 
6-8 Other Credits (Electives or Academics) 
0.5 Personal Financial Literacy (Starting with the Class of 2027 and each class after)

Total Credits Required


Grade Point Average

Students must earn a cumulative, unweighted 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale for all years and pass statewide, standardized assessments unless a waiver of assessments results is granted by the IEP team for students with disabilities.


Passing scores are required on the following tests:

  • Algebra I End-of-Course Exam

Additional Requirements: College & Scholarship Applications

  • World Language: Two consecutive credits in the same language
  • Algebra 2
  • Minimum scores set individually by each university and scholarship
  • SAT or ACT: Both tests are accepted by all universities
  • GPA: Varies by university and scholarship program
Community Service:
  • 75 hours required for Bright Futures Florida Medallion Scholarship
  • 100 hours required for Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholarship

Diploma Designations

Scholar Diploma Designation
  • Aligns closely to the State University System's requirements for admission into a Florida University
  • Students must earn certain credits in accelerated, rigorous courses in addition to standard high school diploma requirements
  • Students must pass End-of-Course (EOC), IB, AP, or AICE exams
Industry Scholar (Formerly Merit Designation)
  • Requires students to earn at least one industry certification (in addition to their high school diploma)
Florida Seal of Biliteracy Program
  • Recognizes high school graduates that have attained a high level of competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more foreign languages (in addition to English)
  • Silver or Gold Seals are awarded on a standard high school diploma
Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program
  • Recognizes high school graduates who have met exemplary benchmarks in fine arts coursework.
  • The purpose of the Florida Seal of Fine Arts Program is to encourage students to develop an exemplary level of proficiency in the performing or visual arts. View the requirements for this diploma designation here.