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Registration Requirements

To register a new student in Flagler County Schools, whether as a PreK-12 student, a transfer from another state, or from another county in Florida, there are eight (8) REQUIREMENTS. The first two (2) requirements listed below are MANDATED BY LAW / SCHOOL BOARD POLICY and must be presented at the time of registration. A transfer student may be granted thirty (30) days per part B of School Board policy 504.

1. Completion of DOH 680 IMMUNIZATION FORM: Florida requires that all shots are up to date. This can be accomplished through a private physician, walk-in clinic, or the health department. The health department offers free immunizations by appointment only at the Flagler County Health Department, 301 Dr. Carter BLVD in Bunnell, 386-437-7350. It is important for parents to furnish up-to-date health records so officials know what the student has received and what they need.

2. Completion of DOH 3040 PHYSICAL FORMThis can be completed by the student’s primary care physician or local clinic. If a student is transferring from another Florida school district, the PHYSICAL FORM used for entry into that Florida district may be used. If student is transferring from OUT of STATE, the date on the PHYSICAL FORM must be within one year from the enrollment date. (Must include vision and hearing screening, height, and weight.)

3. BIRTH CERTIFICATE OR BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE that shows the date of birth, the place of a child's baptism, and a sworn affidavit by the parent (OR OTHER PROOF of age).



Registration Requirements Table Proof of Residency

6. GUARDIANSHIP or CUSTODY PAPERS: If a student is living with someone other than their parents/legal guardians, legal guardianship papers MUST be provided. If there are specific custody requirements, official paperwork must be provided. (Note: Parent/Guardian must provide a picture ID.)

7. WITHDRAWAL or TRANSFER GRADES, IEP FORMS from the student's former school, as well as any records that may be of assistance in placing the student in the proper classes to assure their promotion and/or graduation (as applicable).

8. NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENTNew student enrollment can be completed by submitting the New Student Enrollment Online Application.