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Dress Code

All staff members are required to enforce the dress code. The administration/designee will be the final judge as to whether a student's clothing meets policy requirements. We rely on the good taste and judgment of the students and responsibility of the parents or legal guardians to advise their children of the appropriate dress in accordance with Flagler Schools' Dress Code Policy. 

Review the District's Behavior & Discipline Page Here

Dress code graphic with a heart replacing the "o" in the word "code."


Elementary Dress Code

Upper Attire


Garments must cover the entire shoulder and from neckline to waist. Students' midriff shall not be seen at any time. 

  1. Any solid color or patterned shirt.
  2. An official trademark logo is acceptable.
  3. No lace or sheer materials, including “cut outs.”
  4. Any Flagler Schools approved/sponsored shirt, team jersey, or club shirt.

Bottom Attire

Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, Jeans, and Jumpers

Must be worn securely at the waist. Bottom attire must be no shorter than mid-thigh. No rips or tears in clothing above the mid-thigh.

  1. All solid color or patterned pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jeans, or jumpers.
  2. A small official trademark logo is acceptable. 

Outer Attire

Must be school appropriate.

  1. Any solid color or patterned zip-up, button-up or "over the head" sweatshirts or sweaters are acceptable and should be appropriate in size, design, and logo.
  2. If the cold weather attire is removed, unbuttoned or unzipped, the under layer is required to be within the standard dress code. 
  3. No trench coats. 

Footwear Dress Code

Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed (e.g. footwear with wheels or slippers). 

  1. K-5th grade students must wear flat, fully enclosed shoes or athletic shoes (no flip-flops, slides, or Croc-style footwear).

For Elementary Dress Code General Rules, Exceptions, Financial Considerations, and Discipline, please click here.


Secondary Dress Code

Upper Attire


Garments must cover the entire shoulder and from neckline to waist. Students' midriffs shall not be seen at any time.

  1. Any solid color or patterned shirt.
  2. An official trademark logo is acceptable. 
  3. No lace or sheer materials, including "cut-outs." 
  4. Any Flagler Schools approved/sponsored. shirt, team jersey, or club shirt. 

Bottom Attire

Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, Jeans, and Jumpers

Must be worn securely at the waist. Bottom attire must be no shorter than mid-thigh. No rips or tears in clothing above the mid-thigh.

  1. All solid color or patterned pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jeans, or jumpers. 
  2. A smal official trademark logo is acceptable. 

Outer Attire

Outer or cool-weather attire must be school appropriate. 

  1. Any solid color or patterned zip-up, button-up, or "over the head" sweatshirts or sweaters are acceptable and should be appropriate in size, design, and logo.
  2. If the cold weather attire is removed, unbuttoned, or unzipped, the under layer is required to be within the standard dress code. 
  3. No trench coats.

Footwear Dress Code

Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed (e.g. footwear with wheels or slippers). 

  1. 6-12th-grade students may wear flat, fully enclosed shoes or athletic shoes, as well as flip flops, sandals, slides, and Croc-style footwear. 

For Secondary Dress Code General Rules, Exceptions, Financial Considerations, and Discipline, please click here.