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Student Services (Home Education, Guidance, Section 504)

Home Education

Home Education is a parent-directed education alternative. A Home Education Program, as defined in Section 1002.01(1), F.S., is the “sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent [or guardian] in order to satisfy the attendance requirements of ss. 1002.41, 1003.01(13), and 1003.21(1).”

The Department of Education provides technical assistance, information, and materials on home education to school districts and parents. For more information regarding home education, contact the district office at 386-437-7526 or visit the Florida Department of Education’s website:

Home Education Programs, Evaluations, Testing, Learning Options & Other Information



A comprehensive guidance and counseling program facilitates student growth and self-awareness, as well as addresses whatever interferes with a student’s ability to learn and succeed.

Although the content of the program focuses on student development, such as social adjustment, educational planning, personal growth, and good citizenship, it is how this development enhances student learning and success that justifies the existence of the program.

The mission of professional school counselors is to provide a comprehensive school-counseling program that assists all students in acquiring the skills and knowledge to maximize highest student achievement within a safe learning environment. 

Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against a person with a disability by school districts receiving federal assistance. If a student has a medical diagnosis that impacts a major life activity and impairs the student from achieving their education, they may be eligible for services and accommodations through a 504 plan.

A team consisting of the student’s teacher(s), guidance counselor, and family (with the student present as appropriate) will meet to determine whether the student is eligible for a 504 plan. If eligible, the team will determine the accommodations and/or services required for the student’s success.

More About Section 504

Check out this Section 504 Online Introductory Course module provided by the University of South Florida. 

USF Section 504 Online Introductory Course

The Difference Between an IEP and a 504 Plan

The difference between an IEP and a 504 plan lies in the services. Students found eligible for an IEP require specially designed instruction, which is not provided through a 504 plan. Typically, accommodations for either a short- or long-term medical condition are provided through the 504 plans, but not specially designed instruction.