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Student Health Services

Photo of red first aid kit with stethoscope

Each school has a school nurse assigned.

School nurses identify and assist students with healthcare needs during the school day. 


The school nurse can administer medication to a student, only if the parent/guardian has provided the proper documentation from the doctor and a properly labeled prescription bottle. There are no exceptions to this rule. The parent/guardian must bring the paperwork and prescription to the school clinic.

Over-the-counter medication may be administered by the school nurse when the parent/guardian provides the completed forms and medication. Medication should never be sent to school with students, except over-the-counter headache medication with the appropriate documentation.

If a student becomes ill during the school day, the school nurse may contact a parent/guardian to pick up the student. It is very important that the parent/guardian updates any changes in phone numbers in case the school needs to make contact.

Please be certain to update the list of individuals who may pick up a student in the absence of a parent/guardian, and more importantly any medical condition that might be life-threatening. 

School Clinic Services                                 Clinic Policies & Procedures

Mental Health

Flagler Schools continues to work collaboratively with families and community providers to assist with mental health and wellness.

Please contact the school counselor for referral information. When a mental health service is requested by a student and/or legal guardian, health information (including any disclosed substance use information) shared by the student and/or legal guardian will be distributed to an agency at the request of the student and/or legal guardian in order to process the referral appropriately. The parent/guardian will sign a MutualExchange of Information and/or a Consent to Treat, if necessary. These forms are collected via DocHub or paper copies. 

Mental Health Resources & Flagler County Contact Information