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Family Engagement - Ways to Get Involved

Research shows that family engagement has a direct influence on the high academic achievement of children. Involvement in your child's school will look different to each family. 

A group of elementary school parents at school with their parents standing behind them

It's easy to get involved! Here are some ways to increase your family engagement:

  • Make sure your child gets to school on time and keep absences to a minimum.
  • Attend your child's parent/teacher conference and any guidance meetings.
  •  Listen to your child read or read with them on a regular basis. For older students, inquire about what they are currently reading or make suggestions for reading material. 
  • Use travel time in the car to practice reading and math schools, or have conversations about your student's school day.
  • Look into resources at your child's schools for ways to help your child.
  • Attend events at your child's schools or virtual meetings offered by the school district.
  • Talk to your child about their friends and daily events.
  • Communicate with your child's teacher regularly, especially if you are experiencing any struggles.
  • Regularly check your child's grades on Skyward Family Access.
  • Complete parent surveys that come home; we value parent input.
  • Check your child's planner or backpack regularly for school communications.
  • Join a school parent group such as PTO, Student Advisory Committee (SAC), or ESOL Parent Leadership Committee (ESOL PLC). These groups are made up of parents just like you!