Transition Programs
Flagler Schools' Transition Programs and Coursework are available to support Flagler County Students with unique learning needs. "Transition" refers to a coordinated set of activities that help a student with a disability move from school to post-school life. This process occurs over a period of several years and involves planning, goal setting, instruction, services, and activities designed to make that move successful.
STREAM courses are designed and implemented to support young people with disabilities who have a desire to defer their high school diploma.
IEP Teams have determined that these young people have a continued need for transition training and require the constant supports and managed care only available through specially-designed “cluster” programs located at the student’s service high school.
STREAM Coursework Determinations
IEP Teams make the determination on what each individual student’s STREAM course(s) will look like based on his/her transition needs. Based on each student’s individual transition needs, deferring students may take STREAM courses that include:
Career Experience (Community-Based Vocational Education)
- Transition Planning
- Self-Determination
- Preparation for Adult Living
- Social and Emotional Unique Skills
The goal of each series of on-campus STREAM courses is to assist young people with disabilities in becoming as independent as possible and, when appropriate, transitioning through other Flagler Schools Transition programs.
STREAM Contact Information
For more information about deferring the high school diploma or the STREAM course option, please contact:
MHS: Ms. Savannah Brock – 386-447-1575
FPC: Ms. Althia Thompson – 386-437-7540
Flagler Schools Transition Specialist
Ms. Ebru Snodgrass - (386) 446-6742
STREAM Courses Requirement Considerations
Requirements for consideration for STREAM Courses include:
- Been served under IDEA through an IEP (and not dismissed) and elected to defer the receipt of a standard diploma or, in extraordinary circumstances, earned a certificate of completion;
- Completed all required academic curriculum and can be determined to have achieved the highest level of academics through his/her high school ESE Program;
- Students must demonstrate a need for structured transition services/supports offered only through the service high school;
- Students must have the desire and capacity to work, with support, in the school community and/or Flagler community;
- A willingness to attend a Vocational Rehabilitation orientation and become a client;
- Be under the age of 22.
Trail Transition Program
The TRAIL Transition Program is an outcome-oriented program assisting Flagler County Schools’ persons with disabilities who are 18-21 years old find meaningful, age-appropriate vocational placements in our community. All of this is accomplished while keeping in mind their unique learning styles and individual needs.
The TRAIL staff works with our young adults by assisting them with identifying their dreams and goals through a variety of functional academics and transition assessments including interest inventories, vocational assessments, self-determination scales and an individualized Action Plan.
TRAIL Transition Program's Mission
The TRAIL mission is to combine these functional academics with community-based instruction in order to expose our participants to a variety of career choices while enhancing the skills necessary to become successful, independent, and employed.
The TRAIL vision is to prepare ALL of our young people for a seamless transition into the world of work and adult living.
TRAIL Transition Program Contact Information
For more information, please contact:
The TRAIL Team
Phone: (386) 446-6742
Ms. Ebru Snodgrass – Flagler Schools Transition Specialist
Phone: (386) 446-6742
TRAIL Transition Program Requirements
Requirements for consideration for TRAIL Transition Program (18-21 years old):
- Been served under IDEA through an IEP (and not dismissed) and elected to defer the receipt of a standard diploma or, in extraordinary circumstances, earned a certificate of completion;
- Mastered all required academic curriculum and can be determined to have achieved the highest level of academic independence through his/her high school ESE Program;
- An IEP that prescribes a need for transition planning, transition services, or related services up to age 22;
- The desire and capacity to be in pursuit of structured work-study, internship or employment that, when appropriate, integrates Functional Life skills training;
- The desire and capacity to safely work in a group setting, with fading supports of one adult, in the Flagler Community;
- The ability to access and arrange personal or public transportation;
- A willingness to attend a Vocational Rehabilitation Orientation and become a client;
- Be under the age of 22.
Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH was developed at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, a research environment that fosters visionary thinking and innovation.
It all began in 1996, when Erin Riehle was Director of Cincinnati Children’s Emergency Department. Erin felt that, because the hospital served individuals with developmental disabilities, it made sense that they should commit to hiring people in this group. She wondered if it would be possible to train people with developmental disabilities to fill some of the high- turnover, entry-level positions in her department, which involved complex and systematic tasks such as stocking supply cabinets.
As a starting point, Erin presented her ideas to Susie Rutkowski, then the special education director at Great Oaks Career Campuses. Erin and Susie formed a partnership that was instantaneous, and together they launched Project SEARCH.
Since its inception, Project SEARCH has grown from a single program site at Cincinnati Children’s to a large and continuously expanding international network of sites. Project SEARCH’s primary objective is to secure competitive employment for people with disabilities.
In its first year, Flagler County Schools Project SEARCH program is proud to report a 100% employment rate of participating interns.
Project SEARCH Location
Flagler County’s Project SEARCH site is located at AdventHealth Palm Coast.
The Executive Director is Mr. Clifton Scott.
We are honored to be part of the AdventHealth family.
Project SEARCH Contact Information
For more information, please contact:
Project SEARCH Teacher
Jill Kulwicki
Flagler Schools Transition Specialist
Ms. Ebru Snodgrass
Phone: (386) 446-6742
Requirements for consideration for Project SEARCH:
- Be at least 18 years of age, or under the age of 22, and have an active IEP;
- Be enrolled as a student with the Flagler County School District;
- Have completed high school credits necessary for graduation, and are willing to defer receipt of their High School Diploma;
- Agree that this will be the last year of student services and that therapy services will be on a consultative basis only;
- Meet eligibility requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation Supported Employment;
- Have independent personal hygiene, grooming and independent daily living skills;
- Maintain appropriate behavior and social skills in the workplace;
- Take direction from supervisors and have the capacity to change a behavior;
- Be able to communicate effectively with or without accommodations (i.e., Assistive Technology);
- Access and arrange personal or public transportation;
- Have the desire and plan to competitively work in the community at the end of the internship program.