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Families in Transition Program (FIT)

What do families and students experiencing homelessness need to know about the FIT Program and public education?

McKinney-Vento Definition of Homeless

(Known as FIT in Flagler Schools)

Definition of Homelessness w/ illustrated graphic


Basic Educational Rights

The federally-funded McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act established educational rights and protections for students experiencing homelessness.

Children and youth experiencing homelessness are entitled to:

  • Enroll in school without having a permanent address;
  • Enroll and attend school while arranging for required school records or documents; 
  • Remain in the school attended before becoming homeless;
  • Receive special programs and services for which they are eligible;
  • Attend school and participate fully in school programs with students who are not homeless; and 
  • Receive assistance with transportation to school.

Certified Unaccompanied Homeless Youth (UHY - ID Card)

For purposes of this section, an "unaccompanied homeless youth" is an individual who is 16 years of age or older and is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Section 743.067, Florida Statutes, April 2022, provides for the following:

  • A certified unaccompanied homeless youth may use the completed UHY form and/or UHY ID Card to:

    • Apply at no charge for an identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles pursuant to s. 322.051(9).

    • Receive a certified copy of his or her birth certificate at no charge under s. 382.0255.

    • Consent to medical care; dental care; behavioral health care services, including psychological counseling and treatment, psychiatric treatment, and substance abuse prevention and treatment services; and surgical diagnosis and treatment, including preventative care and care by a facility licensed under chapter 394, chapter 395, or chapter 397 and any forensic medical examination for the purpose of investigating any felony offense under chapter 784, chapter 787, chapter 794, chapter 800, or chapter 827, for himself or herself or his or her child, if the certified youth is unmarried, is the parent of the child, and has actual custody of the child. 

When You Move

A transition or loss of housing is highly disruptive to students in many ways. Whenever possible, use the following guidelines when moving is necessary.

  • Inform your child's teacher, School Counselor, or Principal that you are moving and give them the new address.
  • Let school officials know if you want your child to remain in the same school.
  • Ask for a copy of  your child's school records, including immunizations.
  • Safeguard and keep a copy of school records, birth certificates, and all health and immunization records accessible.
  • Have a reliable person keep a second copy of these important records. 
  • Enroll your child(ren) in school as soon as possible. 

Ask About School Services

A variety of school services are available to homeless students. These include:

  • Breakfast and lunch programs
  • Transportation
  • School supplies
  • Academic support

District Contact Liaison

For more information or questions, contact:

Ms. Rashawnda Lloyd-Mller

Families in Transition

District FIT Liaison
