Food & Nutrition Services
Flagler Schools prepares and serves nutritious meals to our students and faculty each and every school day. A number of sites provide meals throughout the summer months. We participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program, and the After School Meal Program. All meals served meet the guidelines established by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Breakfast and lunch are free to all currently enrolled students attending in-person classes.
Additional items will be available to purchase a la carte. All a la carte items are "Smart Snacks in Schools"-compliant. Faculty and staff may purchase cafeteria meals or snacks at competitive prices.
Flagler Schools uses SchoolCafé for payments and to access munus. Families can visit the website to sign up and manage their account.
SchoolCafé also has a free mobile app that is available for both iPhone and Android users in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Café EDU Frequently Asked Questions
Café EDU has created a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help families find clear and concise answers about food services at Flagler schools. Click the button below to be directed to the FAQ page on the District's website.
Special Meal Accommodations
Flagler Schools is required to obtain a Request for Special Meals and/or Accommodations form for any student requiring a menu accommodation due to a disability that affects the student's health. This form must be completed and signed by a Licensed Physician (MD, DO), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), Physician's Assistant (PA), or a Registered Dietitian (RD) identifying the disability and required meal accommodations. An updated form is required each school year and when a licensed medical authority changes diet orders.
If meal accommodations are no longer required, a Cancellation of Special Meals and/or Accommodations letter signed by a licensed medical authority is required. Completed forms may be mailed to the Flagler Schools Food and Nutrition Department or faxed to (386) 437-7570.
Mailing Address:
1769 East Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2,
Bunnell, FL, 32110
School Site Café Managers
Location Name Phone Email
BTMS-Eagle Express Café CiCi Teixeira (386) 446-6712
WES-Panther Café CiCi Teixeira (386) 446-6712
OKES-Proud Owl Café Jennifer Gonzales (386) 517-2061
FPCHS-Dawg House Café & i3 Jodi Lane (386) 437-7548.
BES-Bull Pup Café Kathy Gesek (386) 437-7378
ITMS-Mustang Café Jill Bisiada (386) 446-7673
MHS-Pirate's Cove Café Debbie Vieira (386) 446-7699
RES-Roadrunner Café Trudi Hamel (386) 206-4624
BTES-Bobcat Café Larisa Stanachich (386) 446-6708
Food Service Staff
Title Name (386) 437-7526 Email
Director of Food & Nutrition Serv. Angela Bush Ext. 1155
Food Service Specialist Craig Medvid Ext. 1158
Food Service Specialist Tina Piasecki Ext. 1160
Food Service Specialist Matt Mounkes Ext. 1161
Registered Dietician Stefanie Thompson Ext. 1157
Bookkeeper Amanda Melendez Ext. 1156
Department Secretary Andrea Sweeney Ext. 1159