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Parents' Bill of Rights; Parents' Right to Know

Parents' Bill of Rights

The Parents' Bill of Rights is a state law that is designed to address the parental and legal guardian
rights as they relate to the upbringing, education, and care of their minor child(ren). The link to the
Parents Bill of Rights can be found on the District's Parental Rights website page.

Click the button below to be taken to the Parental Rights page, which includes a Parental Dispute Process, a Request for Resolution form, and Parental Dispute/Complaint Types

Parental Rights

Parents' Right to Know

At the beginning of each school year, the Flagler County Public School District must inform parents of each student attending a Title I, Part A, school about their right to request information about the professional qualifications of both the teachers and the paraprofessionals who teach and work with their children. 

This information is provided in a letter called the "Right to Request Teacher Qualifications" letter, which is available on your school's Title I webpage.

This letter will be in an understandable format. To the extent possible, the letter will be provided in a language the parents can understand (in compliance with part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [ESEA], as amended in 2015).

Throughout the school year, we will continue to provide you with important information about this law and your child's education.

Based on current education law, teachers must have earned State certification and licensure. State certification and licensure is the training required to be a teacher.

We are very proud of our teachers and feel they are ready for the coming school year. We are
prepared to give your child a high-quality education.


You have the right to request information about
the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s) or paraprofessional(s). A paraprofessional provides academic or other support for students under the direct supervision of a teacher.

If you request this information, the district or school will provide you with the following as soon as possible:

a. if the teacher has met State certification and licensing requirements for the grade levels
and subjects for which the teacher provides instruction;

b. if state certification and licensing requirements have been waived (is not being required at
this time) for the teacher under emergency or other temporary status;

c. if the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline for which they are certified or licensed;

d. if the teacher has met State-approved or State-recognized certification, licensing, registration, or other comparable requirements. These requirements apply to the professional discipline in which the teacher is working and may include providing English language instruction to English learners, special education or related services to students with disabilities, or both; and

e. if your child is receiving Title I or Special Education services from paraprofessionals, his or
her qualifications.

Our staff are committed to helping your child develop the social, academic, and critical thinking skills he or she needs to succeed in school and beyond. That commitment includes making sure that all of our teachers and paraprofessionals are highly skilled. If you would like to request information about your child's teacher(s) or paraprofessionals(s) or if you have questions about your child's assignment to a teacher or paraprofessional, please contact your child's school.